留学博士生(To international doctor students):
拟申请博士论文开题答辩的同学请与导师商议论文内容及导师组成员,尚欠学费的同学不予安排答辩。In case of no arrears in tuition and accommodation, the student has to discuss with the supervisor about title and content of thesis and decide members of the Paper Steering Group.
申请开题答辩的同学必须除实践课程外学分修够。请在申请开题的同时提交成绩单到0618办公室。The student should meet the requirements of credit except academic & practice training. Please prepare the soft
copy of your transcript submit to Office 0618 .
本学期会分别在10月及12月进行两次博士论文开题,答辩申请材料的两次截止时间为9月30日及11月30日。申请材料请在截止日期前交至ywmzxx@163.com。The doctoral thesis proposal defense will be held two times in this semester, one will be in October, one will be in December. So proposal documents should be
submitted before 30th Sep or 30th Nov to [email protected]
请下载附件,在导师指导下填写,提交材料包括一份开题自查表、导师组全体成员签字的开题报告及四份匿名隐去本人及导师信息的开题报告Please download and fill in documents under the guidance of your
supervisor, finish one copy of Self-inspection for Proposal Defense Application, finish the signatures in one copy of SWJTU Thesis or Dissertation Proposal Report (all the paper steering group members should sign), and prepare four anonymity copies without any signatures and information of your supervisor
or you.
开题具体时间、地点等安排将之后通知The exact time and place for the proposal will be noticed further
附件链接. Please download required documents in link ://agbuyu.net/info/1236/12771.htm
Graduate Education Center