

ag捕鱼 2024年6月博士及留学生学位论文开题及统一中期答辩安排

来源:   作者:杨文敏  日期:2024年06月14日  点击数:

20246月份的开题答辩及统一中期答辩安排请见附件。请注意每组的时间和教室安排。Please download the attachment for the arrangement of doctoral proposal defense and interim report in June. Please pay attention to the classroom and Time. Students should be in the room before at least 15 mins.


1.开题答辩及统一中期答辩为匿名形式进行,请注意在ppt和陈述过程中将导师、指导小组老师及本人姓名匿名。请用导师代替导师姓名,请用本人代替本人姓名。The presentation process should be anonymous.Your name and your supervisor's name should not be present.                                        

2.若有欠费,请尽快到校财务缴清,否则不能参加相应流程。If there is any unpaid tuition, please pay it as soon as possible, otherwise you can not participate in the corresponding process.

3.答辩结束后请针对答辩秘书给出的专家意见汇总进行书面答复,请导师签字,在10日内交回0618Please feedback in hard copy for the experts' opinions with the supervisor's signature to 0618 within 10 days.

4.已选修《学术报告》和《前沿学术专题》课程的同学,请在尽快查看学院网站相关通知并提交资料。 Students who have taken the courses "Academic Report" and "Advanced Academic Lectures", please check the relevant notice on the school website and submit the materials on time.


Graduate Education Center