教育背景 2009.9 - 2016.1台湾政治大学财务管理博士 2006.9 - 2008.6台湾中山大学财务管理硕士 2001.9 - 2006 .6台湾政治大学财务管理、新闻双学士(Graduated cum laude)
工作经历 2021.12-至今 西南交通大学经济与管理学院金融与财务学系,副教授 2016.1 - 2021.12西南交通大学经济与管理学院金融与财务学系,讲师 2013.8 - 2014.7美国乔治梅森大学商学院,访问学者 2011.9 - 2015.12台湾省科技局,研究助理 2010.9 - 2011.6台湾政治大学,财务管理、投资学,教学助理
一、个人介绍 林楚彬于2006年取得台湾政治大学财务管理与新闻学双学士学位,2008年取得台湾中山大学财务管理硕士学位,2016年取得台湾政治大学财务管理博士学位。曾于2013年至2014年期间担任美国乔治梅森大学商学院访问学者,2016年1月加入ag捕鱼-捕鱼平台-捕鱼app
“教学工作先进个人”及“科研育人先进个人”等奖项。 研究领域主要在资产定价、行为金融和公司金融。研究工作发表在金融国际权威学术期刊Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Empirical Finance以及Journal of Business Finance and Accounting等刊物上。担任多个国际学术期刊审稿人。 二、科学研究: 1.期刊类 [1] Chan, Konan, Mei-Xuan Li, Chu-Bin Lin, and Yanzhi Wang, 2022, Organization Capital Effect in Stock Returns—the Role of R&D, Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, Volume 49, 1237-1263. [2] Yi-Wen Chen, Joseph T. Halford, Hung-Chia Hsu, Chu-Bin Lin, 2020, Personal Bankruptcy Laws and Corporate Policies, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Volume 55, 2397-2428. (Financial Times 50 顶尖期刊) [3] Yi-Wen Chen, Chu-Bin Lin, Anthony H. Tu, 2020, Regime-Switching Processes and Mean-Reverting Volatility Models in Value-at-Risk Estimation: Evidence from the Taiwan Stock Index, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Volume 56, 2693-2710. [4] Yi-Wen Chen, Robin K. Chou, Chu-Bin Lin, 2019, Investor Sentiment, SEO market timing, and stock price performance, Journal of Empirical Finance, Volume 51, 28-43. [5] Chu-Bin Lin, Robin K. Chou, George H.K. Wang, 2018, Investor Sentiment and Price Discovery: Evidence from the Pricing Dynamics between the Futures and Spot Markets, Journal of Banking and Finance, Volume 90, 17-31. (中科院TOP期刊) [6] Miao-Ling Chen, Chu-Bin Lin, Liang-Ann Tai, 2011, Effects of Advertising, Customer Satisfaction, and Research and Development on a Firm's Systematic and Unsystematic Risks, National Taiwan University Management Review, Volume 21, No. 2, 55-80.
2.工作/期刊修改中论文 [1] Funding Liquidity Constraints, Financial Crisis, and Price Discovery between the Futures and Spot Markets (with Yi-Wen Chen, Junmao Chiu, and Robin K. Chou). [2] Share Pledge and Corporate Debt Financing (with Yan-Lin Yu, Meng-Na Huang, and Yi-Wen Chen). [3] Share Pledge and Stock Repurchase: The Role of Stock Mispricing and Corporate Governance (with Chun-Hua Yang, Jun-Tan Di, and Yi-Wen Chen). [4] The Effect of EPS on Capital Structure (with Yi-Wen Chen and Robin K. Chou). [5] CEO Gender and Mergers and Acquisitions: New Evidence from China (with Yi-Wen Chen and Ping-Yu Zhao)
3.学位论文 [1] Market Efficiency and Investor Sentiment: Evidence from the Pricing Dynamics between Futures and Spot Markets[D], 2016, Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Finance, National Chengchi University. [2] The Effects of Advertising, Research and Development, and Customer Satisfaction on Unsystematic Risk of Stock Price[D], 2008, M.S. Thesis, Department of Finance, National Sun Yat-Sen University.
三、主持或参与科研项目: [1] 制度建设、参与者行为与资产定价效率:基于科创板IPO的分析,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2021.1-2024.12,48万元,72073109,参研,主持人:朱宏泉 [2] 流动性枯竭与股价崩盘风险—基于中国证券市场的分析,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2018.1-2021.12,48万元,71773100,参研,主持人:朱宏泉 [3] 基于大数据的城市互联与投资者偏好对本地股票上市和交易的影响研究,国家自然科学基金大数据驱动的管理与决策研究重大研究计划,培育项目,2018.1-2020.12,43万元,91746109,参研,主持人:蒋丹凌 [4] 大数据环境下的顾客行为和服务策略研究(重大前沿),四川省科技计划项目,2017.3-2019.12,10万,2017JY0225,参研,主持人:贾建民
四、教学概况: 博士研究生课程:《金融工程研究前沿》 硕士/MBA研究生课程:《管理经济学》、《实证金融研究》、《进阶公司金融》 本科生课程:《财务管理》、《金融学研究方法》