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研究兴趣集中于职场阴暗面行为。围绕工作场所行为、领导力和组织管理主题,以第一作者或通讯作者身份在高水平国际期刊上发表了6篇学术论文,包括FT50期刊Journal of Business Ethics、ABS4期刊Journal of Organizational Behavior、ABS3期刊International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management和International Journal of Human Resource Management。积极参与国内外学术会议和工作坊,并担任多个国际知名期刊的匿名审稿人。
[1] Peng, Y., Cheng, B.*, Tian, J., Zhang, Z., Zhou, X., & Zhou, K. How, when, and why high job performance is not always good: A three‐way interaction model[J]. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2024, 45(1): 81–96.
[2] Cheng, B., Peng, Y.*, Shaalan, A., & Tourky, M. The hidden costs of negative workplace gossip: Its effect on targets’ behaviors, the mediating role of guanxi closeness, and the moderating effect of need for affiliation[J]. Journal of Business Ethics, 2023, 182(1): 287-302.
[3] Peng, Y., Tian, J.*, Zhou, X., & Wu, L. How and when does leader humility promote followers' proactive customer service performance?[J]. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2023, 35(5): 1585-1601.
[4] Cheng, B., Peng, Y.*, Tian, J., & Shaalan, A. How negative workplace gossip undermines employees’ career growth: From a reputational perspective[J]. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2024, 36(7): 2443-2462.
[5] Cheng, B., Peng, Y.*, Zhou, X., Shaalan, A., Tourky, M., & Dong, Y. Negative workplace gossip and targets' subjective well-being: a moderated mediation model[J]. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2023, 34(9): 1757-1781.
[6] Wei, M., Liu, M., Peng, Y.*, Zhou, X., & Li, S. Effects of creative atmosphere on tourists' post‐experience behaviors in creative tourism: The mediation roles of tourist inspiration and place attachment[J]. International Journal of Tourism Research, 2023, 25(1): 79-96.