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LECTURE: Understanding Consumers’ Responses to Service Robots through Social Media Data

Hits: Date:2022-06-21 10:44

TimeJune 22, 2022,15:00pm

Tencent Meeting ID.945-343-709

About LectureWhile service robots are expected to replace humans in offering customer services, there is a paucity of knowledge on consumer responses to such a replacement as well as the factors determining their responses. This study introduced customer delight as an important customer response to robotic service as an addition to customer satisfaction. By incorporating robot cuteness as an anthropomorphic property of a service robot with two main properties of information system (IS) (utilitarian and hedonic properties) as predictors of customer responses, this study quantified their respective impacts on customer satisfaction and delight in the context of hotel services. Through studying consumer reviews of the hotels implementing AI robotic service, this research demonstrated the existence of customer delight as well as its antecedents and impacts on business performance. Specifically, the research found that customers who have used robotic services expressed more delight in their reviews and were more likely to re-patronage the service brand compared to those who have not used them. Based on an analysis of over 12 million customer reviews, hotels deploying service robots were found to achieve significantly better business performance than hotels not implementing the service robots. Through incorporating both textual analysis and fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparison Analysis (fsQCA) method, this research further identified the antecedents for customer delight and customer satisfaction. This study contributes to the IS literature on theorizing customer delight through the perspective of IS properties and sheds new light on the understanding of the anthropomorphic property of service robots.

About the LecturerHongxiu Li is an associate professor at the Department of Information and Knowledge Management, Tampere University, Finland. She received her D.Sc. (Econ. & BA) in Information Systems Science from Turku School of Economics, University of Turku, Finland. Her expertise and research interests cover the areas of IS use behavior, digital services, social media, and big data. Her research has been published in journals such as Information Systems Journal, European Journal of Information Systems, Computers in Human Behavior, Computer & Education, Decision Support Systems, Tourism Management, Information & Management, and Internet Research.