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LECTURE: Pre-ordering in Luxury Fashion: Will Additional Demand Information Bring Negative Effects to the Retailer?

Hits: Date:2020-11-23 10:23

Date: November 27, 2020

Time: 9:00am
Conference Number: Tencent Conference 479 159 548

Event Details:

Lecturer: Associate Professor Shen, Bin

About the Lecturer:

Shen, Bin, Associate Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, Donghua University Xuri School of Business Administration, Dean of the Department of Management Science, German "Humboldt Scholar", Shanghai Teaching Expert, Transportation Research—Part E Journal Editorial Board. He presides over 2 National Natural Science Foundation of China. His papers have been published in POM, DSJ, EJOR, IEEE-TEM, IJPE, IJPR, JORS, TRE, SCM, JBR, TFSC and other journals. His research direction is Creative and Fashion Industry Management, Technology and Operation Management, Supply Chain Management, etc.

About the Lecture:

Pre-ordering is an emerging business model in luxury fashion, which provides consumers the opportunity to pre-order new collection products immediately after fashion runway shows and helps retailers collect pre-ordering information for updating demand forecast. Based on our observations of industrial practices, we established stylized analytical models for a supply chain consisting of a luxury brand (supplier) and a retailer. In addition, we explore the consequences of pre-ordering for the supply chain, its members, and conspicuous consumers.