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The academic lecture by Associate Professor Hu Shiyang from Chongqing University was successfully held

Hits: Date:2023-12-28 15:29

On the afternoon of December 27th, Associate Professor Hu Shiyang from the School of Economics and Business Administration at Chongqing University was invited to give an academic lecture at the School of Economics and Management. The lecture, titled "Establishment of Bankruptcy Courts, Creditor Protection, and Commercial Bank Risks: A Quasi-Natural Experiment Study Based on Bankruptcy Judicial System Reform," was shared with the faculty and students of our institution.

The academic event was hosted by Professor Zhu Bo from the Department of Accounting at the School of Economics and Management. Several teachers and postgraduate students from our institution participated in this academic session.

As the sharing session came to a close, Associate Professor Hu Shiyang provided detailed answers to questions raised by the attending teachers and students. He engaged in enthusiastic discussions on cutting-edge research topics, particularly those related to the establishment of bankruptcy courts. Professor Zhu Bo expressed sincere gratitude to Associate Professor Hu Shiyang for his insightful academic sharing. He expressed the hope that the faculty and students of our institution could seize this opportunity to broaden their academic horizons and enhance their research capabilities.