时间:7月7日 (周四)下午15:00点-16:00点
题目:Carbon risk and maturity mismatches: Evidence from China
摘要: This paper explores the relationship between carbon risk and maturity mismatches using the panel data for Chinese listed firms from 2012 to 2019. We provides evidence on the significantly positive effect of carbon risk on maturity mismatches. In the cross-section, the increase is more pronounced for firms in high market competition and firms with low quality of governance. We further show carbon risk results in an increase in financial constraints and an increase in cash flow uncertainty, which may motivate firms to increase maturity mismatches. Further analysis indicates that maturity mismatches caused by carbon risk have a negative impact on firm performance. Our findings remain robust to using an instrumental variable approach and a dynamic model to address potential endogeneity.
时间:7月7日 周四下午16:00点-17:00点
题目:Optimal asset allocation, consumption and retirement time under prospect theory
摘要:We consider an optimal portfolio, consumption and retirement choice problem for a finitely lived economic agent under prospect theory. The optimization problem is formulated as an interconnected optimal stopping and stochastic control problem (Stopping-Control Problem) in a finite time horizon. We solve the problem analytically by considering a variational inequality arising from the dual functions of the optimal stopping problem and obtain the optimal retirement time and consumption policy based on martingale and duality methods. In numerical applications, we attempt to analyze how wealth determines the retirement decisions and optimal strategies, and how investment-consumption changes at retirement boundary.
金融与财务学系,中国特色金融研究创新团队成员,研究方向:金融和保险中的随机最优控制问题。参与国家自然科学基金面上项目,国家社会科学基金青年项目,教育部人文社科青年项目等课题研究。在Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, China Economic Review等国内外学术期刊上发表多篇研究论文。